
The Founders’ Understanding of “Invasion”
Even by the middle of the 18th century, the English language lacked a widely-used set of standard definitions to English words. While English dictionaries existed, those that did were widely considered deficient for a variety of reasons. Famous Scottish philosopher...
Does the Federal Government Have the Power to Regulate Immigration? Thomas Jefferson and James Madison Said No
President Trump has announced his second nomination to the Supreme Court. Perhaps as forward in the minds of conservatives as preserving the right to keep and bear arms, expressly protected from federal infringement by the Second Amendment, is how the new justice...
To the States: The Constitutional Resistance to Federal Immigration Law is Happening Now
While some people believe the best response to current federal immigration policies lies in a strategy based on lawsuits and winning in the next two election cycles, a potentially more effective one is already happening right now. Writing in support of the proposed...
An Unconstitutional “Gun to the Head”
Withholding federal highway funds from the state of California over its so-called “sanctuary state” policies would violate the Constitution and modern Supreme Court precedent. In conservative circles it has become increasingly popular of late to call on Pres. Trump to...