The 1929 Emergency Revolutionized America

The 1929 Emergency Revolutionized America

The stock market crash in 1929 provides an excellent example of how an emergency or crisis can be used to revolutionize a society permanently and destroy liberty and well-being in the process. Contrary to popular myth, especially among public (i.e., government)...
FDR’s Tyrannical Gold Confiscation

FDR’s Tyrannical Gold Confiscation

Sometimes people say, “I guess we’ll just have to have a major economic or monetary crisis to wake people up and cause them to want a sound monetary system.” There is one big problem with that refrain, however: A crisis or emergency oftentimes induces people to move...
Ignoring the Constitution

Ignoring the Constitution

Constitutional violations have become so commonplace in American life that when they occur, the reaction among many Americans is ho-hum. There are two classic examples of this phenomenon: the declaration of war requirement and gold and silver as legal tender. Article...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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