Geofence Warrants: A High-Tech Repeat From the Revolution
Judges across the U.S. are issuing search warrants that effectively authorize police to search broad geographical areas to determine who was near a given place at a given time. In practice, these warrants give police permission to use Google location data to engage in...
Butchering the Fourth Amendment
The real problems with newly anointed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh got completely lost in the political theater surrounding his confirmation. The Constitution delegates the power to appoint justices to the Supreme Court to the president with the advice and...
Federal Spying Powers Are Modern Day Writs of Assistance
by Daniel Brookman, Mises Institute Continuing Resolution Bill H.R. 1370 was signed into law by President Trump Friday December 22nd allowing the President to symbolically sign the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in time for Christmas. Attached to the bill, in addition to the...