The Anti-Federalist Views of Elbridge Gerry
Elbridge Gerry opposed the ratification of the Constitution, believing it consolidated power, lacked safeguards for individual liberties, and undermined the reserved powers of the states. He maintained his objections throughout the ratification process, despite fierce...
Luther Martin’s Warning: The Constitution as a Threat to State Sovereignty
Luther Martin, a prominent Anti-Federalist, warned that the proposed Constitution would destroy state sovereignty by concentrating power in a centralized national government. One of the few opponents of the constitution to attend as a delegate to the Philadelphia...
The Federal Loophole That Fuels Asset Forfeiture Nationwide
A federal asset forfeiture program known as equitable sharing provides law enforcement agencies with a major loophole, allowing them to continue seizing property almost unabated – even when state laws seek to limit such practices. WHAT IS ASSET FORFEITURE? Civil...