Second Amendment “Sanctuaries” – The Worst of the Worst
With Joe Biden in the White House, Republicans have once again become interested in blocking enforcement of unconstitutional federal gun control. This led to a flurry of bills introduced in state legislatures this year purporting to create “Second Amendment...
Could Biden Gun Control Cross the American Rubicon?
Leading up to the American Revolution, tensions grew for some time between the rulers and the ruled. King George had dragged America into a never-ending war with the French and native tribes, claimed it was for our benefit, and then taxed us to pay for it. He...
The 2nd Amendment is not outdated
A lawyer in Boulder, Colorado, has been buying billboard space attacking the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. One billboard reads: IMAGINE HIGHWAYS USING TRAFFIC LAWS WRITTEN IN 1791. IMAGINE RADIO, TELEVISION, AND INTERNET RUN BY 1791 REGULATIONS....