Federal Programs

States Should Help Bring Down Obamacare
States can and should help end Obamacare whether Congress does their job, or not. Will Republicans in Congress actually send President-elect a bill to repeal Obamacare? At this point, a lot of questions remain. Do Republicans even have the votes to get it done? If so,...
The 2nd is not in Force: An Overview of Federal Gun Control Already on the Books
(Sept. 5, 2016) The Second Amendment is not “in danger.” It has already been gravely wounded. This election season, there has been a lot of talk about the future of the Second Amendment. Some say that this election could mean the “death” of the...
The Cancerous Effect of Big Government: How Massive Defense Budgets Drive Unconstitutional Domestic Programs
In the United States today, we have bipartisan agreement when it comes to spending money and violating the Constitution. Republicans love to criticize Democrats for their big spending ways. But they are just as guilty – especially when it comes to the defense budget....
Who, What, Where, and Why: The FBI/NSA Mass Surveillance Collaboration
Dragnet surveillance: Need to make a bust? Doesn’t matter for what. Just listen in! That pretty much sums up what could soon become the status quo for law enforcement in America. Executive action by the Obama administration is expected to authorize direct...