The Founders’ Case for a Strong Militia Over Standing Armies
One of the primary reasons the founders wanted a strong militia system with a well-armed general public was to minimize or even eliminate the need for a large, permanent standing army, even in times of peace. Most people in the founding generation were extremely wary...
Informing the Founders: A Short History of Standing Armies in England
The founding generation harbored a deep distrust of standing armies. This flowed not only from their first-hand experience with the British, but also from arguments against permanent military forces rooted in English tradition. John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon were...
Refuting the Claim that the Second Amendment was Intended to Protect Slavery
Note: This is the first in a three-part series examining a false “pro-slavery” interpretation of the Second Amendment that persists to this day. In efforts to undermine the Second Amendment, gun control advocates advance a variety of arguments claiming it...