COWs vs the Constitution

Yes, you did read that correctly! Ok, so maybe you’re thinking I’m off my rocker; what in heaven’s name do cows have to do with the Constitution? Well, according to an interesting post by Liliana Segura at AlterNet this week, we learn that COWs is...

In Any Case

A recent OpEd by Mario Cuomo in the Los Angeles Times, What The Constitution Says About Iraq, gave some surprisingly good analysis of how the Iraq war is a direct violation of the constitution. Here’s a few tidbits: The war happened because when Bush first...

The Root of the Problem

Reports from the UK are talking about a British General lambasting US policy failures in Iraq. From the Guardian: The bitter transatlantic row over Iraq intensified as another key British general lambasted the US for bungling the aftermath of the invasion. Major...

REAL ID: Rise of the Resistance

State resistance to REAL ID is growing. The Associated Press reports from New Hampshire: The New Hampshire Legislature took a baby step Tuesday toward rejecting what they say amounts to the creation of a national ID card. The House Transportation Committee voted...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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