Conservative or Liberal: Pick Your Poison

by Timothy Baldwin Human nature and history teach us that political labels are used to influence society to accomplish a certain political end. Many times, words used to describe original principles are somehow conquered or hijacked and then proclaimed to be a part of...

Big Government Solutions Don’t Work

by Ron Paul From a speech before the US House of Representatives  September 7, 2006 Politicians throughout history have tried to solve every problem conceivable to man, always failing to recognize that many of the problems we face result from previous so-called...

DC Politicians: Thugs in Suits

by Michael Boldin Before this week, I had never heard Senator Charles Grassley speak – on anything. In the last few days, though, I’ve been sent a number of emails about him being a “strong 10th Amendment supporter.” Skeptical of any Senator in DC actually...

Thoughts On Liberty

by Neal Ross During last year’s election season, I went down to my local mall to buy a book entitled, Who Killed The Constitution. After purchasing my book, I sat down on a bench and waited for my wife and son to finish looking around the rest of the mall. As I...

Iraq: The Divine Right of Kings Lives On?

Cindy Sheehan, writing in an article titled “At What Price, Safety?” at Buzzflash today made some excellent points arguing against the use of aggression by the US military against the people of Iraq. She, like many others, realizes that the illusion of...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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