Republicans Propose Obamacare Lite. Or Worse.

Republicans Propose Obamacare Lite. Or Worse.

by Michael F. Cannon, CATO Institute During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised legislation that “fully repeals ObamaCare.” Monday night, the Republican leadership of the House of Representatives released legislation it claims would repeal and replace...
Obamacare is Failing, States can Finish the Job

Obamacare is Failing, States can Finish the Job

Obamacare appears close to the abyss. State can and should push it on over the edge. On Aug. 15, Aetna announced it will stop selling insurance policies on the Obamacare insurance exchanges in 11 of the 15 states where it participates, reversing plans to expand into...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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