Another Huge Budget Shortfall for the Feds
The U.S. government ran another huge budget deficit in April. The shortfall came in at $225.58 billion, running the total budget deficit through the first seven months of fiscal 2021 to a record $1.9 trillion, according to the Treasury Department’s Monthly Treasury...
The Looming Financial Nightmare: So Much for Living the American Dream
“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” -Frédéric Bastiat, French economist Let’s talk numbers, shall we?...
Federal Spending Is Even Worse Than Advertised
Uncle Sam ran the biggest budget deficit in seven years in fiscal 2019, according to the Treasury Department. The $984 billion deficit amounts to 4.7 percent of GDP. That’s the highest percentage since 2012. It was the fourth consecutive year in which the deficit...