Ballot Measures

Thirty-Six and Counting: More States Legalize Marijuana Despite Federal Prohibition
Yesterday, voters in two more states legalized marijuana for the first time, bringing the total number of states defying federal cannabis prohibition to 36, while voters approved recreational legalization in a number of states, bringing the total that have done so to...
Nullification Was the Real Midterm Winner, Underscoring the Power of Issue-Based Activism
As I pick through the rubble on another post-election Wednesday, I can’t quite figure out who the real winners and losers were in D.C. The Democrats took the U.S. House, but the Republicans managed to strengthen their hold on to the Senate. The Blue Wave was...
2016 Ballot Measures Could Nullify Marijuana Prohibition in Eight States
Ballot measures to legalize marijuana either for medical or general adult use in eight states this fall provide opportunities to take significant steps toward nullifying federal prohibition in effect. A handful of states will consider full legalization of cannabis for...
Massachusetts Bureaucrats Show Constitutional Ignorance While Fighting Voter-Approved Medical Marijuana
State officials hiding behind federal law have turned the will of Massachusetts voters into a bureaucratic nightmare. In 2012, Bay State voters overwhelmingly approved “An Act for the Humanitarian Use of Marijuana,” legalizing cannabis for medical use in the state....