Federal Agencies

Predatory Pricing?

Predatory Pricing?

Uncle Sam can’t seem to make up his mind about how to define predatory pricing. Charge too little for a good or a service and the federal government might term it predatory pricing. But charge too much for a good or a service and the federal government might term it...
Abolish the CDC and NIH

Abolish the CDC and NIH

Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spends public money to warn of attacks by hordes of zombies? Really. The program is designed to make some demographic groups more receptive to CDC propaganda—or rather, “messaging.” But spending...
True Civil Libertarians Must Oppose the IRS

True Civil Libertarians Must Oppose the IRS

Progressives who work to end individual rights violations committed by the NSA, FBI, DEA, CIA, and other federal agencies usually overlook, or even support, the routine violations of Americans’ rights by the IRS. For example, progressives rarely, if ever, speak out...