The Time is Now

The Time is Now

by Michael Maharrey On Dec. 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give in. When the white only seats in the front of the Cleveland Avenue bus in Montgomery, Alabama filled with passengers, leaving several white men standing, bus driver James Blake moved the...
The Health Care Compact: A Trojan Horse?

The Health Care Compact: A Trojan Horse?

When battling the enormous monster that our federal government has become, Tea Party and liberty groups are always looking for the next way to push back the federal government.  Some of these may work and others won’t.  The latest idea to surface and being...
Nullification: Its Authority Comes from Winning

Nullification: Its Authority Comes from Winning

by Jeff Matthews Is nullification authorized?  The answer is “Yes,” but not based on any argument I’ve seen so far from its proponents or opponents. From what I have seen of both sides of the argument, both sides suffer a flagrant flaw in logic.  ...
Feds Issue Threat: No Fly Zone for Texas?

Feds Issue Threat: No Fly Zone for Texas?

by Connor Boyack, with Brian Roberts and Michael Boldin Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Justice upped the ante in a high-stakes political game of chicken. Lobbying against pending legislation in the Texas legislature which would criminalize any searches conducted...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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