by Michael Boldin
Please help the Tenth Amendment Center reach it’s Q1 and Q2 fundraising goal – 65% there already!  Visit this link to invest in freedom and the constitution right now!
When Washington D.C. violates the constitution – as it does every single day – the essential question is – “what do we do about it?â€
For countless decades, Americans have been responding through protests, lawsuits, and “voting the bums out.† Yet, year in and year out, federal power always grows.  And it doesn’t matter which political part is in power, or what person occupies the white house either.
But there’s another way – one that people like Thomas Jefferson advised – “Whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers….a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy.â€
Since 2006, the Tenth Amendment Center has been the tip of the spear advancing this message – that when states pass laws to reject and nullify unconstitutional federal “laws†regulations and mandates – it’s not rebellion…it’s duty.
Already, 8 states have passed firearms freedom acts to reject some federal gun laws, 15 states – most recently, Arizona – are actively defying D.C. on cannabis laws, 7 states have passed health care freedom acts to reject health care mandates, and in 2011 – already 6 states – Maine, Montana, Oregon, Nebraska, Texas and Wyoming – have introduced the TAC’s model legislation – the federal health care nullification act – to reject not just mandates, the entire national health care bill – every single word of it.
And right now, we need your help to keep this activism and this movement growing.  We’re in the middle of our 2011 q1 and q2 fundraising drive.  Our goal?  For efforts this big – pretty modest – we need just $10,000 to keep the Tenth Amendment Center operational for the next 6 months.  why?  because we’re run almost solely by the dedicated work of volunteers – helping us run our national organization and more than 2 dozen state and local chapters too.
In just our first week alone, we already hit 65% of our goal, and I’m pretty blown away by the quick success.  A huge thanks goes out to the nearly 150 people that have joined us already!   But we’ve still got a little way to go.  Only a few thousand more… and whether you’re donating $3 or $3000, every penny is going to go towards standing up for the constitution – every issue, every time, no exceptions, no excuses.
Won’t you please join us in this effort today?  Please dig deep and help us lead this movement.  Help us reach our goal right now – visit to contribute today
We’re extremely grateful for your support…..thank you.
- Thomas Paine’s Common Sense: A Timeless Call for Liberty vs Unlimited Power - January 10, 2025
- George Washington’s First “State of the Union,” Building a Foundation for the Young Republic - January 8, 2025
- Oath to the Constitution: What Adherence Truly Means - January 6, 2025