Real ID: A Threat to Security

Guest Commentary by Brian Trent There’s a lesson in the Aesopian tale of the man who wanted to cook a frog. When he tossed the amphibian into a pot of boiling water, it leapt out to safety. The thwarted cook then changed tactics. He placed the frog in cold...

War, Atrocities, Jurisdiction and Habeas Corpus

In a recent article on Habeas Corpus, it was shown that the 10th Amendment prevented the federal government from suspending Habeas. Why? Because the Constitution only allows for its suspension in very limited situations. Article I, Section 9 spells this out quite...

REAL ID: Opposition in Tennesssee

A Letter from a Reader: Why this Conservative Tennessean Opposes REAL ID 1. REAL ID is a de facto national identification card. At least Lamar Alexander, in recent comments, was honest enough to admit this. Has America sacrificed so much for freedom only to create a...

REAL ID: Rise of the Resistance

State resistance to REAL ID is growing. The Associated Press reports from New Hampshire: The New Hampshire Legislature took a baby step Tuesday toward rejecting what they say amounts to the creation of a national ID card. The House Transportation Committee voted...

The Drug War and the Totalitarian Nightmare

The war on drugs continues unabated. As the New York Times recently reported: Frustrated by government policy and inaction, a group of advocates for medical marijuana sued two federal health agencies on Wednesday over the assertion that smoking it has no medical...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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