Foreign Aid Follies

by Michael Boldin June 3, 2007 The US government is now giving your tax dollars to the Mexican government so that government can improve its ability to tap telephone calls and emails. From the Los Angeles Times report: Mexico is expanding its ability to tap telephone...

Time to Get Rid of the FDA

The time has long since come for the U.S. Congress to abolish the Food and Drug Administration. We’d like to think that FDA officials have only our health and safety in mind when they decide on what food or medicines they’ll allow us to buy. But, sadly...

Unconstitutional Legislation Threatens Freedoms

by Rep. Ron Paul Last week, the House of Representatives acted with disdain for the Constitution and individual liberty by passing HR 1592, a bill creating new federal programs to combat so-called “hate crimes.” The legislation defines a hate crime as an...

Energy Security and the 10th Amendment

From the Associated Press: A year after warning America of its addiction to oil, President Bush is expected to renew concerns about energy security in his State of the Union address. More… Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman says the administration over the years has...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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