Yesterday, Barack Obama won the presidential election. But, the people of six states voted to take their freedom without federal “permission.”
In ten states – Colorado, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Massachusetts and Alabama – voters had a chance to resist DC and approve ballot initiatives which would nullify unconstitutional federal acts. Six of them passed. And here’s a brief rundown of each:
1. Montana, Referendum 122
LR-122 is an act “prohibiting the state or federal government from mandating the purchase of health insurance.” It also prohibits the imposition of “penalties for decisions related to the purchase of health insurance coverage.”
The measure passed overwhelmingly, 65%-34%
Full report HERE
2. Colorado, Amendment 64
Section 3 allows the “personal use and regulation of marijuana” for adults 21 and over. Section 4 addresses legal commercial cultivation, manufacture, and sale. The intent is that marijuana be regulated in a manner similar to alcohol.
Colorado, after Washington State (info below), is the 2nd state in the country to have passed full legalization, and one of only a handful in the entire world.
The measure passed by 54%-46%
Full report HERE
3. Alabama, Amendment 6
This legislatively-referred amendment frees Alabama citizens from any requirement to participate in Obamacare, or any other compulsory health care program. The ballot language reads as follows:
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to prohibit any person, employer, or health care provider from being compelled to participate in any health care system.
It passed, 59%-41%.
Full report HERE
4. Washington State, Initiative 502
Whatever you call the plant, Washington DC considers it dangerous and illegal. Laws on the books in Congress – illegal. The executive branch – aggressive about enforcing those laws. The supreme court – in 2005 ruled against the idea of states legalizing for any purpose.
But yet, 18 states have been standing up and defying DC on this issue by legalizing marijuana for limited medicinal purposes. Washington’s I-502 takes it a step further. It ends marijuana prohibition and treats pot in the same manner as alcohol. People are allowed to grow, produce, sell, buy and consume the plant – in direct defiance to all three branches of the federal government.
The Initiative passed, 55%-45%
Full report HERE
5. Wyoming, Amendment A
Wyoming voters passed a health care freedom amendment to the Declaration of Rights in the state constitution.
The Wyoming Constitution now guarantees citizens of the state the right to make their own healthcare decisions with minimal governmental interference.
Article 1, Section 38 – Right of Health Care Access
(a) Each competent adult shall have the right to make his or her own health care decisions. The parent, guardian or legal representative of any other natural person shall have the right to make health care decisions for that person.
(b) Any person may pay, and a health care provider may accept, direct payment for health care without imposition of penalties or fines for doing so.
It passed by a huge margin, 76%-24%
Full report HERE
6. Massachusetts, Question 3
A YES VOTE on Question 3 enacted “the law eliminating state criminal and civil penalties related to the medical use of marijuana, allowing patients meeting certain conditions to obtain marijuana produced and distributed by new state-regulated centers or, in specific hardship cases, to grow marijuana for their own use.”
The 18th state to nullify federal laws on weed did it in a landslide. The final tally was 64%-36%
Full report HERE.
While supporters of the Constitution might be upset about another 4 years of Obama, strong Tenthers have been upset by every president in the last century. The Constitution isn’t going to be saved by federal politicians – the ones who are attacking it daily.
The only chance for liberty is for activists to focus their time, energy, money and resources on a state and local level – rejecting and nullifying every unconstitutional federal “law.”
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