We Cannot Quietly Submit

We Cannot Quietly Submit

by Michael Rozeff, LewRockwell.com I’ve been thinking about the horrid situation at airports for weeks, and before that for even more months Flyers now have the option enforced against them of either being scanned or groped. What a choice! I haven’t flown in an...

Can the Government Keep Us Safe?

by Andrew Napolitano What a week we have all just endured! While the Democrats were re-writing the federal takeover of healthcare behind closed doors, the public face of the federal government was fixated on denying and then explaining all the gaps in its intelligence...

Is it time to abolish the TSA?

Yes is the argument that Becky Akers makes in her recent LewRockwell.com article. Here’s an excerpt: The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is no longer angering just us peons with its absurd airport checkpoints. It’s also infuriating foreign rulers....

Is the TSA Constitutional?

Recently, the TSA – in an effort to improve their awful public image – launched a blog. Yes, the TSA is “reaching out” to all of us – and it’s not to pat us down without a warrant…this time. According to a post at...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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