Police Opposition to Asset Forfeiture Reform Reveals it’s All About the Money
Heavy police opposition to asset forfeiture restrictions in Minnesota is revealing, and shows the kind of pushback that happens in every state considering reform. Last month, a Minnesota House committee passed a bill that would reform asset forfeiture laws to prohibit...
Surprise: Another Partisan Hack Changes his Tune Based on the Party in Power
As should be obvious to most readers here by now, supporters and opponents of our nullification efforts often change teams depending on what political party is in power. One of the best examples is ThinkProgress Justice Editor Ian Millhiser. In 2014, when TAC’s...
Has the Tea Party Sold Out to Big-Government Republicans?
by Ron Paul The recently-passed big-spending budget deal’s failure to generate significant opposition from the “tea party” has led some to pen obituaries for this once-powerful movement. These commentators may have a point. However, few of them understand the true...