Why Can’t We Sue the TSA For Assault?

Why Can’t We Sue the TSA For Assault?

by Ron Paul When I was in Congress and had to regularly fly between DC and Texas, I was routinely subjected to invasive “pat-downs” (physical assaults) by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). One time, exasperated with the constant insults to my privacy...

Can the Government Keep Us Safe?

by Andrew Napolitano What a week we have all just endured! While the Democrats were re-writing the federal takeover of healthcare behind closed doors, the public face of the federal government was fixated on denying and then explaining all the gaps in its intelligence...

Liberty is Not an Afterthought

by Bob Barr Throughout U.S. history, the American people have balanced liberty and security. Finding the right mix isn’t always easy. But policy-makers must never forget that they are duty-bound to protect a free society. Government had ample powers before 9/11...