Nullification Revisited

“The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite.” – James Madison, Federalist 45 Recent debates over sweeping new federal...

How the States Can End Real ID

by Thomas Andrew Olson, As of this writing, only a handful of states have formally resisted implementation of the draconian REAL-ID act, where the Feds create a de facto national ID card by hijacking the driver licensing agencies of all 50 states....

Oppose Implementation of The REAL ID Act

An open letter to Arnold Schwarzenegger Dear Governor Schwarzenegger: As a constituent who cares deeply about privacy and national security, I urge you to oppose implementation of the REAL ID Act and support its immediate repeal. The creation of a national...

Real ID: A Threat to Security

Guest Commentary by Brian Trent There’s a lesson in the Aesopian tale of the man who wanted to cook a frog. When he tossed the amphibian into a pot of boiling water, it leapt out to safety. The thwarted cook then changed tactics. He placed the frog in cold...

REAL ID: Opposition in Tennesssee

A Letter from a Reader: Why this Conservative Tennessean Opposes REAL ID 1. REAL ID is a de facto national identification card. At least Lamar Alexander, in recent comments, was honest enough to admit this. Has America sacrificed so much for freedom only to create a...