Press Releases

Tennessee bill takes on NSA encryption-breaking facility at Oak Ridge
The state-level effort to turn off water and electricity to the National Security Agency (NSA) got a major boost today as legislators in Tennessee introduced a bill to ban the state from providing material support to the federal agency. A long-standing secretive NSA...
Arizona Legislation Tells NSA “You’re Not Welcome Here”
For Immediate release: Dec. 9, 2013 An Arizona state senator has committed to take on the National Security Agency spy machine. Sen. Kelli Ward announced Monday that she plans to introduce the Fourth Amendment Protection Act to stop her state from supporting the NSA...Coalition Spanning Political Spectrum Kicks Off Campaign to Stop NSA Spying
For Immediate Release: Nov. 12, 2013 On Tuesday, the Tenth Amendment Center joined with a wide-ranging coalition of organizations to officially launch a campaign to stop NSA spying. The OffNow campaign will focus on state and local efforts to undermine the NSA’s...
Poll Shows Americans Embracing Nullification
For immediate release: May 7, 2013 Recent polling data indicates nullification has entered the mainstream. A Rasmussen poll released Monday indicates more than one-third of Americans favor their state blocking federal gun control laws if it considers them...