Whatever Happened to the “Land of the Free?”
Adapted from the book, Why Government Doesn’t Work America once was unique in all the history of the world. It wasn’t its natural resources, the character of its people, or its beauty that made it special. Other countries could boast of similar things. The...
I Love America, Do You?
Originally published Nov. 19, 2001 I love America. I love every concept the Statue of Liberty stands for – that individual liberty is held above the objectives of government – that, as Washington and Jefferson said, America imparts good will toward all and threatens...
Uncelebrating the Fourth
Originally written July 2003 Unfortunately, July 4th has become a day of deceit. On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress formally declared its independence from Great Britain. Thirteen years later, after a difficult war to secure that independence, the new country...