As you may or may not know, June marked the Tenth Amendment Center’s birthday, and just last week, TAC celebrated its sixth!
In the spirit of the celebration, I want to echo Michael Boldin’s hearty thanks to all of you reading this!
Without you taking the information we provide, sharing it and putting it into action, this organization would simply exist as another string of binary code floating around in cyberspace. You serve as the Constitution’s boots on the ground, and no one put a value on your work and support.
Thank you!
This time of year is important to the Tenth Amendment Center for another reason as well. It’s the month we reevaluate our financial situation and budget for the last half of the year.
Let me just say up front, I HATE talking about money. I particularly hate asking people for money. It probably has a lot to do with enduring one too many giving guilt trips through my years involved in churches. I also think I lack the necessary level of self-importance to effectively fundraise. I can’t help but look at the potential donor and think, “Heck, I’m sure she has a lot more important things to spend her hard-earned money on than me.”
But I do place a high level of importance on the work of the TAC. That’s why I got involved in this organization in the first place.
Where I come from
I came from the opposite end of the political spectrum from Boldin. I was your run-of-the-mill Republican with a latent libertarian streak, embracing middle-of-the-road neo-conservatism for most of my adult life. I was marginally informed on politics, doing what most Americans do: fretting over who would occupy the White House next, working to on national Senate and House campaigns from time to time and cramming my ears full of right-wing talk radio. Like a lot of people, the bailouts and spending at the end of the Bush administration going into the Obama administration woke me up. I remember standing at an early Tea Party rally thinking that I didn’t want my kids or grandkids to one day ask, “Daddy, what did you do when everything was melting down?” to find the only answer I could come up with was, “Well, I went to a rally and I voted.”
I knew I needed to do more.
I intuitively understood that the only hope was shrinking the size and scope of the federal government. But how? I was well aware that in my 20-plus years of watching political power shift back and forth between Republicans and Democrats, nothing had changed.
Zero. Zilch. Nada.
I felt I needed to look into a different direction, and I had enough cognizance of the Tenth Amendment to believe it might offer some hope. So I started reading and studying, and in the process, I ran across the Tenth Amendment Center.
I was impressed by the high level of scholarship I found on the TAC website. I was impressed with the quality of the work and the obvious commitment to excellence. And I was impressed by the integrity of the message -follow the Constitution, every issue, every time, no exceptions, no excuses.
Now that I could buy into!
As I studied and absorbed the Tenther principles, I realized these guys were right on constitutionally, right on philosophically and right on morally. At that point, I decided I needed to get involved.
I started out as the Kentucky state chapter coordinator and was later asked to serve as the national communications director.
Over the last two years, I’ve gone from an average American sitting on the sideline to a full-fledged political activist. I’ve had the opportunity to speak all over the nation. I’ve written a book that should publish later this summer. I’ve served as a consultant to state legislators, helping them pass Tenth Amendment related legislation. And I’ve worked 20 or more hours a week pushing out articles and press releases.
And you know what? I’ve volunteered every minute of my time! Gladly. I’m not going to lie. It’s pretty fun!
Where I’m going
To put it simply, I’m not going anywhere.
The Tenth Amendment Center is where I believe I can be most effective in bringing about some type of change in America. I not only believe in the organization, I am 110 percent sold on the principles. States must step up and reclaim their rightful authority and force the federal government back into its proper role. Washington D.C. will never give up power on its own. Uncle Sam will not solve America’s problem, because he IS America’s problem. States must nullify unconstitutional acts, and “we the people” must insist that our government servants follow the Constitution as it was understood by those who ratified it.
I am amazed at all the TAC has accomplished working on a shoestring budget with a staff made up almost completely of volunteers. Even those drawing a paycheck earn a pittance. We all work other jobs. Along with my responsibilities at the TAC I work full-time at a local TV station. Yet we have injected our principles into mainstream conversation. We’ve caught the attention of both the left and the right, getting press in major newspapers and on network TV. We’ve written and influenced the passage of legislation in numerous states. And we’ve obliterated arguments advanced by “scholars” at think tanks bringing in millions of dollars a month in contributions.
Yup. I’m damn proud of what we do!
But we could do so much more.
I hope to eventually begin publishing a quarterly Tenther magazine. I would love to dedicate more time to working with state legislators. I aim to up the number of speaking engagements I do each year, taking the message to the streets. The work is endless, but the time is limited. The bottom line is that we can only expand if our funding expands. Speaking for myself, I simply cannot do more until I get to the point where I can earn enough income from TAC to cut back my hours at my full-time gig. In order for us to expand our influence and continue to grow the organization, we need more man-hours. (And woman-hours!) Those come at a cost.
So here I am in the uncomfortable position of asking you for money.
But you know what? I just can’t do it. I can’t bring myself to ask you to simply write us a check. I want to give you something in return. So instead of just asking for a donation, I’m going to suggest that you become a member of the Tenth Amendment Center. To steal a marketing phrase – with membership comes benefits. You’ll get a copy of Rob Natelson’s outstanding book The Original Constitution; you’ll get a personalized video welcome and a cool membership card. You’ll also get a monthly exclusive members-only newsletter, and we are working on developing a members-only section for the website. There are even more goodies for folks who choose to become a five-year or lifetime member.
You can check out our entire membership program HERE.
We aren’t just looking for your cash. We are looking for partners in this fight against federal overreach.
Will you consider joining us?
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