Please Help us Today!

by Michael Boldin

NOTE: Recorded at the close of Tenther Radio Episode 26, the following is a special Bill of Rights Day message from Michael Boldin. The show airs live online every Wednesday at 5pm Pacific Time here. Find us on iTunes at this link.

I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas – a Merry Christmas from myself, and everyone who works to make the wheels turn behind the scenes here at the Tenth Amendment Center.

Being able to do the work that I do – something that I love and have passion for – is a gift like none other.  Even with all the hard work, the long hours, the attacks from both left and right – I consider this the greatest gift in the world.  I’m truly lucky to have the Tenth Amendment Center as my life’s work.  Without all of you who listen, who read and who support our work in so many different ways, this conversation would not be happening right now.

Thank you for this gift you’ve given to me personally and all of us at the Tenth Amendment Center.


I’ve always had trouble with the standard American holiday-season gifts – felt kind of uncomfortable with them – ever since I was a little kid.  Maybe it’s because I have spatial issues – and can’t wrap a present worth a damn.  Maybe it’s because I was taught at an early age that life wasn’t about accumulating “stuff” – it was about being a good person and finding real happiness in what’s already around us.

Or maybe I just learned something practical from our family getting what was known as “government cheese” when I was young.  What might that be?  Well, in the case of government providing a food product – sometimes gifts just suck.

I’m just not good at gifts, and I’m really not good at asking for them either.  But here I am, leading a 5 ½ year old organization that’s helping change the national political discussion.  Because of this, I really need to learn how to do this, and do it now.

So here goes – and please bear with me as I give this my best shot.

As we approach Christmas – and the end of 2011 too – can you please help us continue our work at the Tenth Amendment Center with your most generous gift possible?  We really, really need your help right now!

[You can help us out with a gift at]


I’m not talking about some massive money-bomb kind of funding, we only need a total of $10,000 to ensure that our base operating costs are covered for the first half of 2012.

We’ve got the Tenther Radio show to produce and grow, more Nullify Now! events to schedule, a large monthly web hosting bill, and more.

John Michaels, who has been doing production for Tenther Radio for six months now, has been working 10-15 hours every week for just $200 a month.  That works out to somewhere around 5 bucks an hour.  Bryce Shonka, our deputy director, has been working at a rate of just 10 dollars an hour for almost three years now.

These men are just two of the many examples that I can share about people who have dedicated their time, their energy, and their passion to help this Tenther Movement reach the mainstream – which has been happening for some time now.  And this doesn’t even take into account the many people who work without pay entirely – the volunteers who help us spread the word, the members of our TAC team who contribute their time and energy without a promise of financial return, and even send us yearly pledges of up to $72 each for the opportunity to hold the TAC mantle in their state.

Bottom line?  We all pitch in as much as we can – our energy, our sweat, and our hard-earned dollars – at every opportunity possible.  But, we can’t expect every person to do this forever, and we need to be able to pay some of our basic expenses to continue our work for the Constitution and your liberty.


The only way to do this is with your help.  So, in this season of love, remembrance and giving, please keep the Tenth Amendment Center in your mind, your heart, and yes – I don’t how else to say it other than by being direct – your wallet too.

We just need a minimum of $10,000 to cover our basics – to continue our mission for The Constitution. Every issue, every time. No exceptions and no excuses.

But, we cannot succeed with out your help, and the funding to mount principled and effective campaigns against unconstitutional “laws,” regulations and mandates. We do not (and will not) accept government grants or contracts, nor do we have an endowment or any corporate backing.

Beyond our base expenses, there are so many other projects that are ready to be launched or expanded.  And with just a little more help from you, we could get moving on them right now.

  • Building and growing our own Tenther News website – to provide you a place to stay up to date on all the news around the country with a 10th amendment perspective provided too.  This is already in beta and just waiting to be improved and expanded.
  • Constitution quick tips on YouTube.  These will be professionally-produced video segments that highlight – and correct – common misconceptions about the constitution today.  These are short videos of 5 minutes and under – to keep them interesting and educational for young people and the general public.
  • A weekly 30 minute radio news program to counter the bias in the mainstream media – and complement the commentary that we do here every Wednesday already.
  • Expanded outreach to state legislators around the country – educating them on what they can and must do to stand up for the Constitution in your state right now.
  • And much more.


Ten thousand is the minimum that we need to continue what we’re doing right now, and twenty will help us launch a whole BATCH of new projects.  We know you can help us reach these moderate goals too.  When we contacted you recently to help our friends at the Foundation for a Free Society finish up the Nullification Documentary project, you came through in a big way.  The goals were hit and beyond.  The final production of the film is being done right now, and we just got confirmation that we’ll be at CPAC in February to premiere the film to a large, mainstream audience.

About 200 people came together to help make that happen, and now we’ll have a powerful tool – a documentary film – to educate people on just what you can do to stop the Feds at your state line.  Some people gave as little as 5 or 10 dollars and others gave thousands.  People like Mike Rogers, Gary Fairman, Thomas Moore and Brent and Connie Backus, all came together to give as much as they could – and a quick thank you right now is most certainly not enough to express our gratitude. But, thank you – each and every one of you.  So whether you can give $5 or $5000 to help the Tenth Amendment Center continue our work in 2012 – please help us today. (HERE –

Become a member and support the TAC!


We believe in our work here at the Tenth Amendment Center.  We believe that while the path to the Constitution and your liberty might be a long, winding road – the cause is right and just. As more and more people come to believe in these great principles – eventually we’ll have a slew of amazing new gifts in this country.  Freedom, for example, would be a great new beginning for all of us.

Your gift to the Tenth Amendment Center right now will help us continue to play our part in the growth of this great movement…for liberty.

Thanks for reading. Here’s to wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Michael Boldin