by William E. Morris,

The infamous $700 billion bailout is a symbol of the incompetence of big government. It results from previous government actions that have caused a recession, and threaten a depression. The bail-out to the risk we already had of severe inflation and a financial catastrophe.

What if we started over to design a government from scratch a government that really worked for us?

Here’s an idea: How about a small government designed to do only what it does best – provide a rule of law that protects us form force and fraud. Provide for defense of this country without futile attempts to control other countries. How about following the spirit of the 10th Amendment in the Bill of Rights? The federal government would do only what the constitution allows.

Let the individual states take care of the rest, and compete to have the most citizen-friendly state government. We could have a free market for the first time.

The steady increase in productivity under Capitalism would not be eaten up by the government. No inflation. Prices would come down. This is a change I could believe in.