Fascist Temptations

by VirginiaConservative I’ve met a lot of social conservatives over the years.  It should come as no surprise after all, I’m one too.  For some people, the desire to promote all, or a specific, issue(s) in the social conservative agenda is their modus operandi,...

Against All Enemies

by Robert Bearce, The Freeman The elected and appointed officials of our federal government take an oath of office before undertaking their constitutional duties. Let’s take a look at that oath, expressed as a question and answered by “I do.” Do you solemnly...

The Case for Disunion

by Joe Schembrie, LewRockwell.com The Establishment Media is hyping the dire prophecy of a Russian professor that the United States will have a bloody civil war and “disintegrate,” after which the secessionist regions will be absorbed by other nations. The...

Obama, States Rights and Emissions

by Greg Heller, The Holy Cause “Obama Moves to Let States Set Own Rules on Emissions” So says The Wall Street Journal: President Barack Obama plans to call on the Environmental Protection Agency on Monday to consider allowing states including California to...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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