“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free,” wrote Thomas Jefferson, “it expects what never was and never will be.” That’s why the TAC focuses on educating people about the original meaning of the Constitution, the foundational principles of...
“Self-defense is a primary law of nature, which no subsequent law of society can abolish.” That’s how the great Mercy Otis Warren put it. But this wasn’t just a philosophical view for the Founders and Old Revolutionaries. They knew an armed society was...
Public trust in the government to “do what is right” understandably remains at an all-time low. After all, how do you trust a government that continuously sidesteps the Constitution and undermines our rights? You can’t. When you consider all the ways “we the people”...
Today, like every day, is a great day for a reminder of some of the top principles from the founders that we should never, ever forget. Unfortunately, every one of these top-5 has been thrown down the memory hole for generations. So it’s up to us to turn that around...
We are “resolved to die freemen rather than live slaves.” These powerful words, penned by Thomas Jefferson and John Dickinson, hold a prominent place in the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms, approved unanimously by the Second Continental...