Getting out of Iraq: Bringing the Troops Home

by Rep Ron Paul What will it take to get our troops out of Iraq?   The roughly 70 percent of Americans who are firmly against the war often ask this question.  Those in power are reluctant to give conditions, but when they do and those conditions are met, the goal...

Another Casualty of War: The Economy

by Rep Ron Paul This week, as the American economy continued to suffer the effects of big government, the House attempted to pass two multibillion dollar “emergency” spending bills, one for continued spending on the war in Iraq , and one increasing...

And the War Rages On

Just focusing on the economics of it all, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are estimated to cost nearly $200 Billion in 2008. And, if we assume the government will act like it normally does, you can expect that price tag to be far, far higher than what they claim it...

Iraq: The Divine Right of Kings Lives On?

Cindy Sheehan, writing in an article titled “At What Price, Safety?” at Buzzflash today made some excellent points arguing against the use of aggression by the US military against the people of Iraq. She, like many others, realizes that the illusion of...

Petraeus Report: Symptoms vs Causes

Don’t be fooled by all the hype surrounding testimony from General David Petraeus. In my opinion, this is little more than drama – a political soap opera – distracting us all from the real issue. The interviews and discussions have involved some...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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