The Freedom Paradox

The Freedom Paradox

by Geoff Broughton, Colorado Tenth Amendment Center There is a line from a pop song that goes, “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose…”, but is that Freedom? Is it the ability to do whatever you want to do? “If it feels good, do it?” Is that...

Love of Liberty vs Love of Government

by Chuck Baldwin Let me ask readers a question. What’s more important: freedom and its undergirding principles, or the entity meant to protect it? A word of caution: be careful how you answer that question, because the way you answer marks your understanding (or...

Freedom from the Income Tax

by Harry Browne, on April 15, 2003 Someday, I hope, April 15th will no longer be Tax Day (the day your income tax return must be filed) but instead will be known as Freedom Day — a day to remember the huge, expensive, intrusive, and meddling government that was once...