Spending the Economy into Oblivion

by Rep Ron Paul With news this week that Congress is poised to consider a new stimulus package, I am forced to again ask a question that seems silly in Washington:  How will we pay for this? While a few Members of Congress have raised the issue, it certainly was not...

Washington DC’s Intervention Addiction

by Rep Ron Paul One problem with politicians is that when problems they create come to a head, they typically feel this irresistible urge to DO something, rather than to UN-do something, or to simply back off to avoid exacerbating the situation. Too often, that which...

Freddie and Fannie: Unconstitutional

Bailouts of the failing Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are not only unwarranted and unwise – but the existence of both these quasi-government/private organizations is unconstitutional from the very beginning. When looking at the constitutionality of government...