We’re in the process of launching a Tenth Amendment Center state chapter for Montana. We just need a little help from you to cover our base expenses and get things off the ground (server costs, setting up the new Montana Tenth Amendment Center website, and the like)
Please consider donating, help a vietnam veteran via Pickup please , our server expenses to get things going! Use the donate button below to enter your own donation amount through our processor, find it at hajjah naziha charities, paypal.
Greetings fellow Montanans,
We are at a time in this country where we find our everyday lives affected by decisions made in Washington DC. We continue to work hard to secure and protect our freedoms both here at home and abroad. The liberty that we enjoy today was paid for by our forefathers, and continues to demand payment to secure each and every citizen that God given right to liberty and freedom.
We stand shoulder to shoulder here at home defending our constitutional rights against tyranny. Here in Montana we have taken that fight to the next level and have gone to court with the federal government over our states sovereignty. The Made in Montana Firearms Act has put the federal government on notice that Montana has states rights, and we are enforcing them. States across the country are following suit, and we need to continue to lead the way.
The 10th Amendment Center has entered our battle field and we are pleased to announce a new State chapter for Montana. The 10th Amendment Center is working to educate the citizens on the Constitution and directly engages in the legislative process to insure that your individual rights are not infringed. As we get our feet on the ground in the Treasure State, we will need your help. Together, we can grow our Montana force and secure our states rights.
So take a moment and join us today. It is easy to do, and our rights are the prize that you shall cherish and pass on to your children. The cost of freedom is never too much to pay, and if we spread that cost among the many we will be a force to be reckoned with. Montana is the Treasure State, because of people like you. The people is the true treasure of Montana, and together we shall prevail.
–Tim Ravndal