Michael Boldin
Executive Director
Michael [send him email] is the founder and executive director of the Tenth Amendment Center. He was raised in Milwaukee, WI, and has lived in Los Angeles, CA since 1995. According to the SPLC’s profile page on him, Michael “is an ideologue who has spent years promoting the idea that states can “nullify” federal legislation they don’t like — the very same argument pushed by defenders of slavery and segregation.” https://tenthamendmentcenter.com
Latest Articles
Resistance, Revolution, and Liberty: The Untold Legacy of John Hancock
Thomas Jefferson’s First Inaugural: Timeless Blueprint for the Constitution
Federalism and the 10th Amendment: Tench Coxe Explains Delegated and Reserved Powers
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense: A Timeless Call for Liberty vs Unlimited Power
George Washington’s First “State of the Union,” Building a Foundation for the Young Republic
Oath to the Constitution: What Adherence Truly Means
“We need to exercise our rights whether the government wants us to or not!”
Latest Blog Posts
- Oath vs Censorship: Jefferson on the Duty to Stop Unconstitutional Laws
An act against the Constitution is no law at all - it’s void. This principle, rooted in the American Revolution and the debates over the Constitution’s […]
- Conspiracy: Luther Martin’s Anti-Federalist Warnings about Centralization
Luther Martin, the Anti-Federalist firebrand, predicted that the Constitution would lead to a national system of consolidated power that could never secure […]
- Federal Robbery: Asset Forfeiture Program Helps States Steal
Civil asset forfeiture is theft. Despite the fact that a growing number of states are limiting or even ending this practice, there’s a massive loophole. A […]
- 10th Amendment Explained: Tench Coxe on State vs Federal Power
"Independent of the control or interference of the federal government." That’s how Tench Coxe described the vast majority of power under the Constitution - […]
- Government is Evil: Timeless Lessons from Thomas Paine’s Common Sense
January 10, 1776: Thomas Paine didn’t hold back in Common Sense. Far more than just a call for independence from Britain, it was a bold and uncompromising […]
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Nullify Season 2
Learn how to stop the feds, without waiting on the federal government to limit itself.
Nullification Objections
60 power-packed pages of information, this handbook will serve as your guide.