Republicans Pushing Mandates on State Courts

Republicans Pushing Mandates on State Courts

House Rules Committee: “Violate Your Oath No Matter How You Vote!” It’s a stunning betrayal of all those hardworking, pro-Constitution Americans who gave U.S. House Republicans their majority. Republicans controlling the House Rules Committee have added...
Conceived in Liberty

Conceived in Liberty

by William Henry Chamberlin This article was originally published July 1955 in The Freeman. An MP3 audio file of this article, read by Floy Lilley, is available for download. The ideal of self-government, first proclaimed for the three million Americans of 1776,...
Can the President Kill You?

Can the President Kill You?

by Andrew Napolitano Can the president kill an American simply because the person is dangerous and his arrest would be impractical? Can the president be judge, jury and executioner of an American in a foreign country because he believes that would keep America safe?...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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