Making stuff up as they go

Making stuff up as they go

by Jeff Matthews In the various lawsuits brought by states to challenge the validity of ObamaCare, an over-arching issue concerns the limit, if any, of Congress’ powers under the Commerce Clause.  However, there are more arguments in play.  One of them deals with...

The Double Trouble of Taxation

by Rep Ron Paul Taxes were on the forefront of many Americans’ minds this week as they scrambled to meet the April 15th deadline to file their returns.  Tax policy in this country hurts taxpayers twice – once when they pay taxes, and then when the government...

And the War Rages On

Just focusing on the economics of it all, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are estimated to cost nearly $200 Billion in 2008. And, if we assume the government will act like it normally does, you can expect that price tag to be far, far higher than what they claim it...

Faith-Based Socialism on Trial

President Bush’s Faith-Based Initiative has reached the Supreme Court. As reported in the Christian Science Monitor: President Bush’s faith-based initiative is a signature program of his administration. But not all Americans share the president’s belief...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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