Federalism: The Great Lost Concept

A “must-read” over at RonPaul2008.com on the principles of state’s rights; the 10th Amendment. Here’s an excerpt: We are working to overcome a hundred years of indoctrination and increased dependency. The Founders would be appalled that, almost...

Why we have a Tenth Amendment

Guest Commentary by Dan Reale You can ask anybody what the first amendment prevents infringement upon. They might know about one thing, freedom of speech, but incorrectly, tell you we are granted freedom of speech. Even then, most miss the other four inalienable...

Limits vs Empowers

by David Smith In response to “The Constitution and the Right to Privacy” The only point that I would add is that there exists a fundamental difference between the Federal Government, which these amendments limits, and the State Governments, which the 10th...

States Rights vs the EPA

Rob McKenna, the attorney general of the state of Washington, issued a press release on 01-02-08 to make clear that his state would intervene in the California emissions battle against the EPA and the Federal Government. In an effort to defend Washington’s tough...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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