Social Security and the 10th Amendment

Guest Commentary by David Smith Let me ask you a couple of questions.  First, which demographic segment has the best voting record?  Meaning, of any age group, which group votes more regularly than any other? Old people, right?  Retirees, seniors…old people.  No...

No Sunlight on the Omnibus

by Rep Ron Paul One Christmas tradition Congress could do without is the broken process of passing the annual Omnibus Spending Bill, which we recently did right before the holiday recess. Every December Congress fights and argues over spending and never seems to be...

Gun Rights and States Rights

by Rep Ron Paul Speech before the US House of Representatives, April 9, 2003 Mr. Speaker, I rise today as a firm believer in the Second amendment and an opponent of all federal gun laws. In fact, I have introduced legislation, the Second Amendment Restoration Act (HR...

Unconstitutional Legislation Threatens Freedoms

by Rep. Ron Paul Last week, the House of Representatives acted with disdain for the Constitution and individual liberty by passing HR 1592, a bill creating new federal programs to combat so-called “hate crimes.” The legislation defines a hate crime as an...