The Tenth Amendment and the Joy of Federalism

Guest Commentary from VirginiaConservative (or I don’t care how they do things in Massachusetts). Ask someone what is the most important amendment to the constitution.  If he were a liberal, he would likely answer “the right to free speech”, the 1st.   If he...

War and the Destruction of the Economy

by Rep Ron Paul What is the importance of the war in Iraq  relative to other current issues?  This is a question I am often asked, especially as Americans continue to become increasingly aware that something is very wrong with the economy.   The difficulty with...

Not my Commander in Chief

Cross-Posted from with permission of the author, Crashing Vor Watching Keith [Olbermann] just now, I heard him mention Antonin “Nino” Scalia’s dissenting opinion from today’s ruling in regards habeas corpus rights for detainees....

The Falling Dollar and Rising Energy Prices

by Rep Ron Paul Oil prices are on the minds of many Americans as gas hits $4 a gallon, and continues to surge.  How high can prices go?  How can we solve these problems?  What, or who, is to blame? Part of the answer lies in understanding bubbles and monetary...