Unity and Federalism

by Gary Galles After a bitter and divisive election, Democrats have regained the presidency and widened their control of Congress. Now they are making the usual political victors’ calls for unity. But unfortunately, Americans’ often diametrically opposed...

Repeal the 17th Amendment

by John MacMullin, Mises.org Nearing election time again, we are reminded that the there are no checks and balances available to the states over federal power or over Congress itself in any area. However, in the history of our country, it was not always this way. In...

I Am a Constitution Voter

by Ellemay, Reaching Sunward I believe that no one — including the President — is above the law. I oppose all forms of torture, and I support both closing the Guantánamo Bay prison and ending indefinite detention. I oppose warrantless spying. I believe that...

An Impossible Job

As usual, this election season, the Presidential candidates are telling us how they’ll make life better for you.  They’ll improve the economy, help your investments, protect you from harm, help you get a raise, ensure that you’ll keep your home, and...

Restoring the 10th Amendment and Federalism

Restoring the…what?  That’s what many people seem to respond with when a discussion of the 10th Amendment, States Rights and Federalism comes up – however infrequent that may be.  But it seems that this discussion might be getting a little more...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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