On Repealing the 17th Amendment Part II: Dissent

In Part I, I summarized the argument over repealing the 17th Amendment, explained the benefits of doing so in terms of empowering the states at the federal level, and refuted a few of the points made by Alex Seitz-Ward, author of the Salon piece that prompted this...
There is Such a Thing as Bad Publicity After All

There is Such a Thing as Bad Publicity After All

There are a lot of perks that come with celebrity status. Clothing and jewelry designers provide custom-made wares, companies frequently give away their products in exchange for an endorsement, meals at fine restaurants are sometimes comped, the list goes on. There’s...
5 Greatest Threats to Your Liberty Today

5 Greatest Threats to Your Liberty Today

It is difficult to limit the scope of such a list, since every bit of liberty is precious and the government knows no bounds in its attempt to curtail freedom. Truth be told, there need only be one item on the list – the state – for it is the single greatest threat to...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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