The following statement was approved by candidates participating in the closed-door strategy meeting at the Tenth Amendment Summit – February 25, 2010 in Atlanta Georgia – Read by Ken Ivory at the all-day open session on Feb 26, 2010
We The People of the several States created a federal government to serve as our limited agent, delegating to the federal government only those limited and few powers listed in the Constitution, and no others.
We recognize the federal government has seized unlimited power over virtually every aspect of Americans’ lives in violation of the Constitution of the United States, specifically with respect to the Tenth Amendment.
We call upon freedom-loving citizens everywhere to stand with us, as candidates for state and federal office, to pass meaningful and sensible legislation to restore the most critical check and balance deliberately designed into our constitutional republic: that of strong, sovereign states.
We pledge to limit and restrain all federal government exercise of power that exceeds in any way the plain language of those few powers listed in the Constitution and to nullify all others that exceed such limit.
When we restore the balance of power between the states and the federal government according to the Constitution, our country will enjoy the dynamic blessings of liberty and prosperity.
Ray McBerry
Adam Kokesh
Francisco Rodriguez
Ken Ivory
Lex Green
Valerie Sargent Myers
Roy Moore
Dan Eichenbaum
Dean Madere
Troy Stanley
Bill Taylor
Joe Leinweber, Jr.
Van Irion
Dean Moore
Michael Frisbee
Jeremy Jones
Neal Towey
Eric Forcade
Jason Sager
Steve Tarvin
Matt Sheffield
Charles Lincoln
Mark DeVol