The Powers not Delegated

by Robert Romano, Americans for Limited Government Often, talk of the nation’s founding principles is discarded as an irrelevancy in public discourse. But in truth they are more salient than ever as power in Washington grows to untold heights. And those who still...

The Case for Disunion

by Joe Schembrie, The Establishment Media is hyping the dire prophecy of a Russian professor that the United States will have a bloody civil war and “disintegrate,” after which the secessionist regions will be absorbed by other nations. The...

Freedom From Government

by Rep Ron Paul President Obama signed an executive order last week continuing the faith-based initiatives program created by former President Bush.  When the program was created, I warned that giving taxpayer money to private religious organizations would eventually...

A Tenth Amendment victory?

by Jason Pye, The Liberty Papers This may be the only time that President Obama doesn’t try to undermine the sovereignty of individual states granted by the Tenth Amendment, but I’ll take it: Drug Enforcement Administration agents this week raided four medical...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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