The Falling Dollar and Rising Energy Prices

by Rep Ron Paul Oil prices are on the minds of many Americans as gas hits $4 a gallon, and continues to surge.  How high can prices go?  How can we solve these problems?  What, or who, is to blame? Part of the answer lies in understanding bubbles and monetary...

Limited or Unlimited Government?

Although the founders wrote the US Constitution to limit the powers of the federal government, politicians from both sides of the aisle take the position that their power is far beyond what was ever imagined. And now, John McCain’s new advisor, Michael Goldfarb,...

Sowing More Big Government with the Farm Bill

by Rep Ron Paul Recently Congress sent the latest Farm Bill to the president. The bill features brand new federal programs, expansion of existing subsidies, more food stamps and more foreign food aid. This bill hits the taxpayer hard, while at the same time ensuring...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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