*Want to make a monthly gift instead of one-time? click here
Support TAC, Help us Stand for Liberty!
- 24.31%
Raised to Date
Expenses for Jan – Dec 2025
*Want to make a monthly gift instead of one-time? click here
Tenth Amendment Center
16755 Von Karman Avenue Suite 200
PMB 705
Irvine, CA 92606

We can ONLY succeed with your help and the financial support needed to take on all unconstitutional federal acts! Whether it’s $3 or $3000: Help us by investing in the Constitution and liberty today!

**Gifts to TenthAmendmentCenter.com are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
Why? Based on our principles – we won’t accept any government handouts, bribes, or tax discounts to partner with the organization we’re working to limit. We believe in freedom of action and equal treatment for all organizations. Thus, we see the tax “benefits” (at risk of giving up freedom to operate and express free speech) offered to some organizations to be unfair, unequal, and unacceptable.
The feds tell us that 501c3 and other non-profit groups are serving the community and deserve to be tax exempt. But doesn’t your neighborhood plumber or carpenter or grocer also serve the community? We think so. Therefore, we stay “for-profit” and will never get handouts or grants from those looking for benefits from Washington D.C. Please join us!
Your support is our lifeline – the essential foundation needed for us to expand and grow. THANK YOU for considering a gift today!
Your financial support helps us continue the pressure for the Constitution and liberty. It helps us cover our base expenses every month. And, it helps us reach new people through advertising and direct outreach.
We’re standing for the Constitution and liberty in the face of the most powerful government on Earth. We can only get the job done with your help.
The Tenth Amendment Center focuses on two major areas: Education and Activism. We believe both are essential to advance the Constitution and your liberty.
Through articles and blogs, videos and books, we cover important current events from a Constitutional perspective, teach people about the Constitution (and various clauses) itself, and educate people about the basic principles that motivated the Founding Generation to set up a strictly-limited (rather than unlimited) government.
There are thousands of articles and blogs posted on our website, dozens of videos, and multiple DVDs and books too.
We’ve developed model legislation for states (and some for local communities) to protect the 2nd Amendment, nullify the surveillance state, advance sound money, and more.
We track legislation moving through state houses and do regular updates and action alerts to ensure that people who want to support these efforts are able to be as effective as possible.
To keep people informed of our progress – and aware of the roadblocks we face – annually, we produce a free, 50+ page “State of the Nullification Movement” report which can be found here
Here’s a general overview of some of our monthly costs, which run about $10-12,000/month
- $7,500/mo – part-time team. A handful of team members often put in 20-30 hours or more, and we pay them what we can. Currently this is $5500 per month, but it does vary depending on availability and project needs. Having them on staff helps us cover some of what is an insurmountable amount of work each week – contacting legislators, writing blogs, doing research, graphic design, and more. They are our backbone, and keeping them on the team ensures we all have the time available to move the TAC forward.
- $780/mo – Office/Studio Rent Budget. Our videos, podcasts and other special reports – require a dedicated space for recording. We hope to expand our production in the near future too.
- $2,200/mo – Keep the lights on! This covers our most essential expenses. Costs include (but are not limited to) website hosting of $450/month, internet of $90/mo, electricity of $80/mo, email service provider of $450/month, database CRM for $20/month, and many others in between.
- $1,800/mo – Advertising We run highly-targeted online ad campaigns to reach new people. We encourage them to read our materials, sign up for our newsletter to stay informed and get involved, and to join as members
- $600/mo – direct mailing. While many people follow our posts on our website, or get updates by email, Facebook, Twitter and the like – a larger number of people do not. In this digital age, it’s easy for people to get overwhelmed by the number of online messages that are out there. That’s why we’ll be sure to send some personalized information about this campaign to a small group of our top supporters. In the last few years, we’ve learned that we get the best results from campaigns supported by direct mail. And while it’s too expensive to reach everyone in this manner, we’ll certainly look at increasing this budget if we surpass our goal.
- Other expenses include marketing costs, equipment and the like. Any questions? Contact us!