Path to Liberty
Mon, Wed, Fri at 9:30AM Pacific
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Streaming live Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9:30am Pacific, host Michael Boldin covers the latest news from the nullification movement – plus essential history lessons from the founders and old revolutionaries. All with a mind on strategy to support and advance the constitution and liberty today – and in the future.
Latest Episodes

Alien Enemies Act: Why James Madison DIDN’T Oppose it

The “Declare War” Lie: What the Founders and Constitution REALLY Said

The Supremacy Clause Hoax: How We Became What the Founders Fought

The Forgotten Law That Caused the American Revolution

3 Simple Steps to DESTROY the Constitution (They’re Already Doing It!)

The Forgotten Boston Massacre Speech They Wanted to Silence
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Category: 10th Amendment

The 10th Amendment: An Introduction

The 10th Amendment: Sovereignty of the People of the Several States

The 10th Amendment and the Virginia Ratifying Convention
Category: Nullification Essentials

Nullification: An Introduction

Did James Madison Reject Nullification?

James Madison: How to Defeat Federal Programs
Category: Right to Keep and Bear Arms

4 Essential Steps to Nullify Federal Gun Control

2nd Amendment Preservation: Foundation to Nullify Federal Gun Control

Self-Defense: The First Law of Nature
Category: In the Founders’ Words

Precedent Has Always Been the Problem

James Otis, Jr: Firebrand of the Revolution

George Washington’s Warnings: Top-3 from his Farewell Address
Category: Federal Courts

The Supreme Court is a Big Part of the Problem: Police State Edition

Who Decides? James Madison on Interpreting the Constitution

The #1 Reason the Supreme Court is a Waste of your Time
Category: Police State

Copposition: Thin Blue Line vs the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Top-4 Lies in Support of Qualified Immunity

State-Federal Task Forces and the National Police State
Category: Nullification Strategy

Who is Supposed to Keep the Feds in Check?

Compliance is Violence: Dickinson and Spooner on the Path to Liberty

Partnerships Don’t Work When Half the Team Quits
Category: Essential History

When Did Things Go Off the Rails?

Bill of Rights: The Untold Story of Why it Exists

Common Sense: The Most Brilliant Pamphlet in History?
Category: Surveillance

Big Wins for Liberty: State Laws Push Back vs Feds (CBDC, 2A Privacy, More)

From Banks to Big Brother: The Rise of Financial Surveillance

Caught in the Crosshairs? How Geofence Warrants Turn Innocent People into Suspects
Category: War Powers

Armies and Debts and Taxes. Oh My!

The Cost of War is Much More than Financial

War Powers and the Constitution: An Overview
Category: Asset Forfeiture

Asset Forfeiture is Theft: Another Supreme Court Fail

Nullify the Federal “Equitable Sharing” Asset Forfeiture Program

Asset Forfeiture is Theft
Category: Nullification Movement

State of the Nullification Movement 2021

Status Report: Nullify Federal Gun Control

Dozens of Small Towns Reject Federal Bribe Money
Category: Federal Reserve

The “Evils of Paper Money” Have No End: The Founders Warned us Why

Big Wins for Liberty: State Laws Push Back vs Feds (CBDC, 2A Privacy, More)

End the Fed from the Bottom Up: The Founders’ Plan You can Use Now
Category: Brutus’ Antifederalist Papers

The Dangers of Consolidation: Antifederalist Brutus No. 1

Consolidation vs Natural Liberty: Antifederalist Brutus No. 2

Oppress and Plunder: Antifederalist Brutus No. 3
Category: Cato’s Antifederalist Papers

Urging Caution: Antifederalist Cato No. 1

Hamilton’s Dictatorship: Antifederalist Cato No. 2

Consolidation Leads to Force: Antifederalist Cato No. 3
Category: Patrick Henry’s Antifederalist Speeches

We the People or We the States: Patrick Henry’s Anti-Federalist Speech No. 1

Liberty or Empire: Patrick Henry’s Anti-Federalist Speech No. 2

Don’t Give in to Fear: Patrick Henry’s Anti-Federalist Speech No. 3
Category: Letters from a Federal Farmer

Antifederalist: Top Warnings from the Federal Farmer

Beware of Tyrants: Anti-Federalist Federal Farmer No. 1