Tench Coxe on the Senate: A Counter to Anti-Federalist Aristocracy Fears
The structure of the Senate was a serious point of contention for many Anti-Federalists, who warned it would quickly become a permanent or baneful aristocracy, with most senators serving for life. Tench Coxe was a leading voice on the Federalist side rejecting these...
Federal Farmer: Politicians and Bureaucrats must be “Recallable”
Given the power various officers in the federal government would wield, the Federal Farmer believed that there needed to be a better mechanism to appoint them and remove them from power when necessary. The Constitution delegated the power to appoint various officers...
Federal Farmer: Senate Will be “Source of the Greatest Evils”
While the anti-federalist Federal Farmer was critical of the proposed House of Representatives for having too few members, he was even more harsh toward the proposed Senate. Ironically, he wrote in his tenth letter dated January 12, 1788, that the Senate “as an...