Eight Essential Principles Behind the 2nd Amendment
There is only one thing the ATF is authorized to do under the Constitution. Disband! This may sound like hyperbole, but when you understand the following eight essential principles behind the Second Amendment, it should become completely clear. First, the right to...
2nd Amendment: The Untold Truth Schools Don’t Teach
“Governments are afraid to trust the people with arms” James Madison was a student of history. And this quote, from Federalist 46 – is no exception. He recognized, like so many others in the founding generation, that the individual, natural right to self-defense...
The Founders’ Case for a Strong Militia Over Standing Armies
One of the primary reasons the founders wanted a strong militia system with a well-armed general public was to minimize or even eliminate the need for a large, permanent standing army, even in times of peace. Most people in the founding generation were extremely wary...