The Political Matrix Sustains the Illusion of Freedom
What you smell is the stench of a dying republic. Our dying republic. We are trapped in a political matrix intended to sustain the illusion that we are citizens of a constitutional republic. In reality, we are caught somewhere between a kleptocracy (a government ruled...
Pursuit of Happiness: “We Cannot be Happy without Being Free”
The “pursuit of happiness” is a foundational principle enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. In the Founders’ view, this was inextricably linked to individual liberty and property rights. John Dickinson explained it this way in the last of his 12 Letters from...
Who are a Free People?
WHO ARE A FREE PEOPLE? It’s a question that’s rarely asked – or explored. But John Dickinson, the “Penman of the Revolution,” thought it was incredibly important. He discussed it this way in 1767: For WHO ARE A FREE PEOPLE? Not those,...