Paper Money: The Founders Warned Us!
“The evils of paper money have no end” That’s how Thomas Paine put it, but he was far from alone. The Founding Fathers were deeply worried about the dangers of paper money, because they lived them first hand. They repeatedly warned us about how it would give us price...
Thomas Jefferson’s Warnings and Predictions about the Dangers of Money-Printing
Thomas Jefferson’s chilling warnings about unchecked fiat, paper money proved prophetic as the U.S. plunged into its first boom-bust economic crisis in the early 19th century. In an 1814 letter to Thomas Cooper, Jefferson wrote, “Every thing predicted by the...
The Federal Reserve: Enemy of American Workers
According to numbers released by the US government, consumer prices have increased by 7.5 percent in the past year, the steepest increase since 1982. The actual price increases are even worse than the government numbers suggest, given that the “official” statistics...